Relationship Astrology: accompanied by jungian psychology and mythology

Relationship Astrology: accompanied by jungian psychology and mythology


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Now, let’s address the things we consider feminine and masculine under the guidance of the sky and awaken to the god and goddess within us. Let’s see if it’s possible to experience happy stories as children of the Earth Mother and the Sky Father. What are Venus, the morning star; Mercury, the evening star; the Sun, touching our skin with its brightest rays and saying, “I’m here”; the Moon, swaying around with its velveteen light and touching our insides wits its halo; and Saturn, the ringed planet, attempting to tell us?
What do we experience when celestial configurations interact with the placements in our beloved’s chart, and what do these experiences tell us? Let’s go explore ourselves and our beloved in search of answers under the magnificent guidance of the sky!


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